Corner land 600m from Canidelo beach with good access in a quiet residential area.
Area with easy access to access roads and just a few minutes from shops and services.
Why buy with Fachada 23 Imobiliária?
- Guarantee of professionalism and confidentiality.
- A team available to help you in all decision stages.
- Independent legal support.
- Credit intermediaries are dedicated to finding the best option.
We believe in quality of service and your satisfaction is our goal.
Area with easy access to access roads and just a few minutes from shops and services.
Why buy with Fachada 23 Imobiliária?
- Guarantee of professionalism and confidentiality.
- A team available to help you in all decision stages.
- Independent legal support.
- Credit intermediaries are dedicated to finding the best option.
We believe in quality of service and your satisfaction is our goal.